Our Service Areas
Triangle Pro Painting provides residential and commercial painting services for Raleigh, North Carolina and the surrounding areas.
Areas We Serve
We proudly offer painting services throughout Raleigh, North Carolina, including these areas:
- Raleigh
- Anderson Heights
- Avent West
- Belvedere Park
- Battery Heights
- Bloomsbury
- Boylan Heights
- Cameron Village
- Capitol District
- Capitol Heights
- Country Club Hills
- Coley Forest
- Depot District
- Drewry Hills
- Fayetteville Street
- Five Points
- Forest Park
- Glenwood-Brooklyn
- Glenwood South
- Glenwood Village
- Hayes Barton
- Hi-Mount
- Historic Oakwood
- Longview Gardens
- Madonna Acres
- Maiden Lane
- Moore Square
- Mordecai District
- North Carolina State University
- Raleigh Country Club
- Roanoke Park
- Rochester Heights
- South Park
- State Government District
- Vanguard Park
- Victoria Place
- Warehouse District
- West Historic District
- Wayland Heights
- Woodcrest
- University Park
- Avalaire
- Bent Tree
- Brentwood Estates
- Brier Creek
- Brookhaven
- Coachmans Trail
- Crabtree Valley
- Crossgate
- Dominion Park
- Durant Trails
- Fairfax Hills
- Falls Church
- Falls River/Bedford
- Hickory Hills
- Lake Park
- Lakemont
- Leesville
- Manchester
- Millbrook
- New Hope
- Northchester
- North Hills
- North Pointe
- North Ridge
- North Ridge
- Oak Park
- Pinecrest
- Quail Hollow
- Quail Meadows
- Quail Ridge
- Skycrest
- Southall
- Springdale/Leesville
- Stonebridge
- Stonehenge
- Summerfield
- Summit Ridge
- Tadlock Plantation
- Tealbriar
- Thorpshire
- Timberlake
- Village on the Green
- Wakefield Plantation
- Westlake
- Wood Valley
- Asbury
- Brandywine
- Laurel Hills
- Medfield
- Olde
- Trinity Woods
- Tysonville
- Umstead
- Westover
- Biltmore Hills
- Carolina Pines
- Hedingham
- Lake Wheeler
- Parkland
- Renaissance Park
- Rhamkatte
- Skycrest Village
- Southall
- Southgate
- Swift Creek
- Trailwood
- Walnut Creek
- Wilders Grove